California Premises & Animal Identification System
Protecting American animal agriculture by safeguarding animal health is vital to the wellbeing of all U. S. citizens. It promotes human health; provides wholesome, reliable, and secure food resources; mitigates national economic threats; and enhances a sustainable environment. Essential to achieving this goal is an efficient and effective animal identification program.
The National Premise Identification Number (PIN) provides a unique number across the entire United States for locations involved in animal agriculture and links that location to the entity that participates in animal production and/or commerce.
Requests for Premise Identification Number (PIN) received by the California Department of Food and Agriculture shall be maintained in confidence to the extent authorized by law.
To obtain a Premise Identification Number (PIN), please complete the following Location Number Request form and follow the instructions on the form for submission.
You can mail, fax, or email the completed form to CDFA. For more information, call (866) 325-5681.
California Department of Food and Agriculture
Animal Health Branch
Animal Disease Traceability Program
1220 N Street, Sacramento, CA 95814
Fax: (916) 900-5333