Protecting American animal agriculture by safeguarding animal health is vital to the wellbeing of
all U. S. citizens. It promotes human health; provides wholesome, reliable, and secure food
resources; mitigates national economic threats; and enhances a sustainable environment.
Essential to achieving this goal is an efficient and effective animal identification program.
The National Premises Identification Number provides a unique number across the entire United
States for locations involved in animal agriculture and links that location to the entity that
participates in animal production and/or commerce.
Requests for premises identification numbers received by the California Department of Food and Agriculture shall be maintained in confidence to the extent authorized by law.
An accountholder e-mail is required to request a premises identification number. Call 866-325-5681 if you don't have an e-mail address.
The system is currently not working. To obtain a premises identification number, please complete the following Location Number Request form and follow the instructions on the form for submission. Please call (866) 325-5681 or email for more information.